1) Talk to Aunt Arctic. She tells you that her two puffles and her camera are missing.
2) Go to the Ice Rink, pick up the pictures to the right, and place them in your inventory.
3) Now, go back to Aunt Arctic’s igloo and give the pictures to her.
4) Go to the Pet Shop and pick up the note on the puffle house. Use your code box to figure out what the note says.
5) Next, go to the Sports Shop and talk to Gary the Gadget Guy (behind counter) and ask him does he have any special items. He will then ask you a question, which you will answer based on what the note said. Then ask him can you see some spy gadgets. He opens the cabinet revealing a grappling hook, and a life preserver shooter.
6) Go to the Iceburg and you will see some penguins stranded on a broken piece of ice. Click on them and talk to them. Then, take the life preserver shooter from your inventory, click right in front of the penguins, and you can try to save them. Use your mouse to move the target in front of a penguin and click once to shoot the life preserver at them. Watch out for the wind though, it can throw the preserver off track.
7) Now, go to the Ski Hill and talk to the penguin. Use your Spy Phone wrench to fix his telescope. Click on the telescope to look through it. Hold your mouse over the left arrow button on the screen, and soon you will see the green puffle flying around the mountain.
8) Go to the tallest mountain and use the grappling hook to climb up to the top. You will see both puffles. Take them back to Aunt Arctic and talk to her.
9) Claim your award and letter, then click End Mission.

1) You’re in the Sport Shop. Click on G to talk to him, and ask him about your mission. He gives you a riddle to solve. Talk to him again and tell him the answer is ‘mogul’. He shows you his new sled, and tells you he wants you to test drive it for him. Pick up the sled and put it in your inventory.
2) Go to the Ski Mountain, select the sled from your inventory, and click on the sign that says ‘TEST RUN’. Try to dodge trees, logs, and other items that may destroy your sled. Eventually you will crash though.
3) After the crash you end up in an unknown area. Pick up the Survival Guide in front of you, and the rope to your left. Take the path to your right, (with the log) and pick up the ski from the bush. Now, take the path to your right. You see a bunch of puffles dancing. Click on one of them and they all run away, except for the black one.
4) Take the path in front of you, and collect three O’ berries from the bush. Go right, and click on the the tree trunk a few times, and a pan will fall out. Pick up the pan and place it in your inventory. Go back to where the black puffle was, and feed him an O’ berry. He’s your friend now. Take the path to the far left, and pick up the log. Combine the ski, an O’ berry, and the rope and you will have a fishing pole. Use it to catch a fish. Put the fishing pole and the fish into your inventory. Get the pan out of your inventory, and place it in the water to fill it up. Now, put it back in your inventory.
5) Next, take the path with the cave. Clear the bushes and go into the cave. Inside, click on the rocks to move them around the circle, put the log onto the rocks, and put the Survival Guide on top of both. Move until the puffle is standing in front of the log and give him your last O’ berry. The fire is started now, and you can put your fish on it to cook. After the fish is cooked, click on it to eat it.
6) Put the pan filled with water on the fire and after it starts boiling click on it to drink it. You will fall asleep, and when you wake up the puffle is gone and your fire is put out. Go outside the cave and a secret agent flies down. Talk to him, and he’ll take you back to G. Talk to G and the mission ends.
7) Get your medal and letter, and click End Mission.

1) Talk to Rookie, and he closes the vault door. He forgets the combination.
2) Go into the Gift Shop Manager’s room, and go right until you see the sofa. Click at the bottom of the sofa to look under it, and pick up the paper clip and the disk.
3) Go left, and click on the computer. Turn it on and insert the disk into the drive. Now, click My files (on the computer), and click Combination_Number. It gives you a different combination every time. After you get the number, go back downstairs and open the vault door.
N = North (top one)
E = East (right one)
S = South (bottom one)
W = West (left one)
E = East (right one)
S = South (bottom one)
W = West (left one)
4) Go inside the vault, and click on the coins inside. Talk to Rookie. G will then call you, and tell you to meet him in the HQ. Then, talk to him and watch the video. Afterwards, ask G does he have any suggestions, and he will give you a key. Click the drawer and pick up the gold key at the top left.
5) Go back to the Gift Shop and go to back into the Gift Shop Manager’s room. Unlock the door that says ‘To Roof’, and go through it.
6) Open your Spy Phone, click tools, and get your wrench. Open the power box with the wrench, and put the paperclip inside and the box will explode. Pick up the piece of fur from the drain and put it into your inventory. Go back to the vault, and click on the money. Go the the HQ and give G the fur.
7) Put on your Night-Vision goggles, (if you don’t have them look on the table under the map.)
8) Go to the town, and talk to the crying penguin. Next go into the Night Club, and turn on your Night-Vision goggles. Walk to the speaker leading to the boiler room, and click on the fuse box. Read the instructions first, and complete the puzzle.
9) The power comes back on. Go back outside and talk to the penguin. Now, go back to the HQ and talk to G.
10) Get your medal & thank-you card, and click End Mission.

1) First, talk to G and get him to let you into the Gadget Room. Get the Life-Preserver Shooter and go to the Lighthouse to get a rope. (It’s in a boat.)
2) Next, go to the Ski Lodge, get the fishing pole, and combine all three.
3) Go to the beacon, and use your wrench (in your Spy Phone) to unscrew the telescope.
4) Go to the Sports Shop and take the belt off of the penguin mannequin. Go upstairs to Gary’s Room. Put the telescope near the window, and look through it. You will see the path to the lost penguins.
5) Next, go to the Ski Village and talk to the crying penguin. Use the belt from your inventory to fix the Ski Lift, and grab the white fur. Go up to the mountain top and take the path. (It’s the same path you saw in the telescope.) When you reach the end of the path, click above the path (between the broken wood), and you can rescue the penguins.
6) Destroy the sticks in the way, pick up the first penguin, and then the second penguin. Drop the second one on the first platform, and pick up the third penguin. Put them all on the first platform, and they’ll push the rock, making the fourth penguin bounce up to another platform. Pick up all three penguins, and pick up the fourth. When you get back to the top of the mountain, talk to G, and give him the fur.
7) Claim your award, medal, and letter and click End Mission.

1) Talk to G, then click on the Furensic Analyzer 3000. Use your comb in your spy phone to remove the fur, and it’ll go into the machine. Next, talk to G again and analyze the fur you found from the previous missions. Take the fur and click on the Furensic Analyzer 3000. Put the fur into the slot. It will tell you it’s an “Unknown Specimen”, and perform a secondary scan, identifying hot chocolate, hot sauce, and jet pack fuel.
2) Talk to G again. Go to the Pizza Parlor and talk to the penguin cleaning up. Ask him if you can take some chocolate sauce & hot sauce, and talk to him again and he’ll ask you to deliver a pizza for him. Pick up the chocolate sauce, hot sauce, and pizza. Put them into your inventory. Also, turn around and pick up the candle off the table, and put it into your inventory.
3) Next, go to the Ski Village and go into the lodge. Head out the fishing door, and give the pizza to the penguin.
4) Go to the town, and into the Coffee Shop. Talk to the penguin behind the counter. Ask him can you fix his coffee machine. Click on it. Use your wrench on your Spy Phone to tighten the water and milk lines. Put your wrench back into your inventory, and pick up the cup. Place the cup where it says “Press for Hot Chocolate”, and take the Chocolate Sauce from your inventory. Pour the Chocolate Sauce in the bowl at the top, and press the button. Take the cup, and place it in your inventory. Talk to the penguin again, and go back into the Town.
5) Now, go to the Lighthouse and talk to the two penguins. Go up to the Beacon and you’ll see the Jet Fuel on a balloon. Go to the HQ, and into the Gadget Room. Get the AC 3000, and go back to the Beach. Get the net from the pile of stuff beside the lighthouse and put in your inventory. Go back up to the Beacon and use the AC 3000 to blow the Jet Fuel to the top. Use the scissors from your Spy Phone to cut the balloon from the Jet Fuel. Place the Jet Fuel into your inventory, and go back to the Gadget Room. Talk to G, and give him the Hot Sauce, Hot Chocolate, and Jet Fuel.
6) Take the goggles, and go to the Lighthouse. Pick up the rope from the boat. Combine the rope with the net, and it’ll make a trap. Go to the Ski Lodge and talk to the penguin hiding under the couch. Go out the fishing door, and you’ll see a creature. Get the trap, and place it on the tree. Pick up the candle from your inventory and put it on the trap. A crab comes out, and gets caught in the trap. The other creature runs away, but leaves some of it’s fur behind. Pick up the fur and crab, (put both in your inventory) and go back to the Gadget Room. Talk to G, and give him the crab. Take the fur and put it in the Furensic Analyzer 3000. It tells you about the bear.
7) Get your medal and gift, and click End Mission.

1) First, talk to G. Then the Crab Translator 3000 will blow up and the crab escapes. Follow the crab through the Gadget Room door, through the HQ door, and through the Sport Shop door. At the Ski Village, you will see the crab get on the Ski Lift and go up the mountain. Talk to the two penguins in the Ski Village if you want to. Go up the mountain. Then you will see the crab jump off the ledge. Follow him. Then there will be a small scene where you and the crab are falling down the mountain. You lose your map during the fall. Anyway, keep following the crab.
2) You end up at a cave door. The crab goes in through the small door, but the big door is locked. Then go right, to the place with the stump. Here, you will find the black puffle, who is hungry. Go left, to the place with the log. Use your scissors to cut down the bag of O’ berries. Put the bag in your inventory.
3) Now, go left, to the place with the stump. Give the black puffle an O’ berry. Then the black puffle will be your friend. Now go right, to the place with the cave. Put an O’ berry in front of the small door. The black puffle will go in the small door and unlock the big door for you. Follow the puffle into the cave.
4) When you get inside, a cage will fall on top of you and the black puffle will hide behind a rock. Then, the polar bear will start talking to you. Klutzy, the crab takes your spy phone. Herbert P. Bear, the polar bear tells you how he got to Club Penguin. He tells you about his plan to chop down the Ski Lodge to make a big bonfire. Then when he runs out of firewood from that he says he will chop down other buildings. Then Herbert and Klutzy leave and the black puffle comes out.
5) Then look around the room until you see a cage lift. Put an O’ berry on the lever at the far right of the cage lift. The black puffle jumps on top of the lever and the lever goes down, making water come out of the spout, hitting a pan, forcing the pan to turn right. Put an O’ berry on the left side of the pan. The puffle will jump on the left of the pan forcing the pan to turn left. Then put an O’ berry on the lift next to the wheel. Then, the puffle will jump on the lift, and the wheel will move making the cage lift up.
6) Gather some of the items around the room. Get the rope, the hook thing, the hot sauce, and the Electro Magnet 3000 blue prints. Now click to go out the door. When the door opens, some snow falls off the roof blocking the doorway.
7) Add the hot sauce to an O’ berry and put it in front of the door. The black puffle will burst into flame and go out the door flying. Then go right, to the place with the stump. Now go left, to the place with the log. Now go left, to the place where you ended up after falling off the mountain. Combine the rope with the hook. Now click to go up the mountain. Use the grappling hook you made to go up the mountain. Now go down to the Ski Village, into the Ski Lodge, and out the back door. Here you will see Herbert complaining about being hungry.
7) Go to the Pizza Parlor and get the Seaweed Pizza. (He won’t eat any of the other pizzas.) Now go back to the Ski Lodge. Go through the back door. Click on the pizza in your inventory. Now click on Herbert. He will eat the pizza. While he is eating the pizza, click on the lever below the crab, changing it from green to red. Then when Herbert gets through eating, he will fix the machine and the crab will turn it on. It’s in reverse now so it goes backwards taking Herbert with it.
8) The machine will crack the iced over pond and Herbert, Klutzy, and the machine will go into the icy water. They escape the water and go onto the land on the other side of the pond. Then G comes and talks to you. His phone rings and he says its for you. It’s the polar bear. He tells you that this isn’t the end. Now tell G about the polar bear’s cave. Give G the Electro Magnet 3000 blueprints.
9) Get your medal and your gift, and click End Mission.

1) First, talk to G about the broken clock tower. Afterwards, watch the Snow Forts monitor to see what happened to it. You’ll see Herbert & Klutzy taking the gear from the clock. Put the code key into the lock on the cage beside the Gadget Room, and take the magnet/gadget.
2) Go into the Gadget Room and get the Life Preserver Tube. Now, go to the Beach and get the sand bucket. Go to the Snow Forts and fill the bucket up with snow, and put it back into your inventory.
3) Next, go to the Iceburg and use the magnet to get the spring (in the icecube in the water.) Now, go to the Town and talk to Rookie. Get a picture of the gear from him, and head on over to the Dock.
4) Talk to the two penguins there, and challenge them to a game to get the missing Clock Tower target back. After the game, take the target, and give them the life preserver tube as a new target for their game.
5) Go to the Pizza Parlor, and pick up the sheet of paper beside the piano. Take the paper to the stage, click on the piano there, and place the paper on the stand. Play the colored keys in the order that the colors are on the music sheet. The yellow puffle comes out, and stands next to you. Give him the picture of the gear, and the bucket of snow. Take the bucket and the gear, and put both in your inventory. Next, go to the Gadget Room.
6) Go left until you see the machine called “Test Chamber”. Put the snow gear in it and click the lever to make it turn. Click the lever again and the gear will come out. Put it back in your inventory. Now, put the ice-cube with the spring in it into the machine and click the lever. After the ice melts, press the lever again. Take the spring and put it into your inventory.
7) Go to the Snow Forts and put the target on the side of the Clock Tower, the gear into the Clock Tower, and the spring on the side that’s missing one. After you do that, the worker penguin will talk to you. Herbert calls you on your Spy Phone next, and afterwards G will come to the Snow Forts and talk to you.
8) Collect your medal & award and click End Mission.

1) Talk to G, and he tells you about some earthquakes. Go to the Dock and you’ll see Herbert and Klutzy in a underground machine they built. Talk to Herbert, and his map blows away. Klutzy tries to catch it, but he ends up chopping it in half. They leave.
2) Go through the town, and you’ll see the two papers blowing away. One gets stuck on the Night Club sign, and the other goes towards the Snow Forts.
3) Go in the Coffee Shop and help pick up the cookies off the floor. The Coffee Shop worker lets you keep a cookie for helping him.
4) Next, go to the Gadget Room, and get the hat off the rack near G. Go back to the town and put the hat on the green puffle, give him the cookie, and he’ll fly up and get the paper stuck on the sign for you. Pick up the paper and go to the Snow Forts.
5) You’ll watch as the other half of the paper goes by. Follow it into the Plaza and go into the Pizza Parlor. Order a Double meat pizza with extra grey fish from the penguin behind the counter. Take the pizza out to the Plaza and give it to the green penguin. Tell him you’ll trade it to him for his newspaper. Take the newspaper and take the broken half of paper from it, and combine the two halves together..
6) Go to the beach and pick up a net from beside the Lighthouse. Go inside the Lighthouse, and ask the penguin can you take the balloon box. Put it in your inventory and talk to the penguin to the left trying to fix the broken barrel. Get a barrel of cream soda and go to the Gadget Room.
7) In the Gadget Room get the wooden mallet off the wall behind the table (near G). Ask G can you take the Super Helium. Pick it up and go to the Sports Shop. Take the wooden pegs beside the tent.
8) Go to the Dock. Pick up the lantern next to the tunnel, and then go down the tunnel. Use the map Herbert lost to guide your way through the tunnels. When you get past the first set of tunnels, click on your lantern to see. Finish going through the tunnels, and you’ll come upon the Gift Shop.
9) Get a balloon from the box and put it on the Super Helium to fill it with air. Take the barrel out of your inventory and start to shake it. Then, put it underneath the Gift Shop and the soda will blow the Gift Shop back to where it’s supposed to be.
10) Go to the town, and put the helium-filled balloon next to the Gift Shop. It’ll rise up. Put the net underneath the Gift Shop, and use the wooden tent pegs to hold it down. Get the wooden mallet out of your inventory and hammer down the wooden tent pegs.
11) Go back to the Gadget Room and talk to G. Then, go back to the tunnel, and go to the place where the Gift Shop was in the ground. There’s a tunnel there now. Go through it, and you’ll see Herbert’s machine. Use your wrench to take the missing Clock Tower gear out of it. Put the gear into your inventory, and go through the hole in the wall. You’ll see Herbert and Klutzy messing with the boiler in the Boiler Room. When you catch him, he’ll get mad, hit the boiler, and run.
12) G calls you on your Spy Phone, and you have to fix the boiler. Rearrange the pipes until they all connect, then G will call you again. Go to the HQ and talk to G. Give him the gear.
13) Claim your medal and award, and click End Mission.

1) Talk to G. Put the yellow duck, the three tracking devices, and the blue-prints from the wall into your inventory.
2) Go to the Ski Lodge, pick up all the Find Four pieces, and go upstairs to get the rest of the pieces.
-Downstairs Find Four Pieces: under the ladder, on the stool underneath the phone, and on the window sill.
-Upstairs Find Four Pieces: on the typewriter, on the box in the corner, on the table next to the phonograph, on the other box, and on the bricks.
-Upstairs Find Four Pieces: on the typewriter, on the box in the corner, on the table next to the phonograph, on the other box, and on the bricks.
3) Also, pick up the piece of string on the rug. Go back downstairs and give the pieces to the penguins playing Find Four.
4) Go to the Forest, and pick up the sticks. Combine the sticks, blue-prints, and the string to make a kite. Attach the kite to one of the transmitters. Next, go to the Ski Mountain and put the kite & transmitter on a pole.
5) Go to the plaza and talk to the two penguins. When the puffle blows a bubble, gum gets stuck on the two penguins. Click on it to take it, and then put it on the yellow duck in your inventory.
6) Go to the dock and pull up the brown start handle for the penguin. Borrow his Air Pump, and put the Air Pump on the yellow duck to inflate it. Put a tracking device on the duck (where the gum is) and take it to the Iceburg. Put the duck in the water.
7) Go to the Mine Shack and talk to the penguin. Click and drag the boards to make the beam fall on the left side. Double-click on the cart and weld the cracks, and afterwards place a transmitter inside the cart. Click inside the Mine to make the cart go.
8) G calls you on your Spy Phone.. Go to the HQ and get the Binoculars 3000 from him.
9) Go to the Ski Lodge, and go through the fishing door. Look through your binoculars, and turn right. Go back to the HQ and talk to G again. Go to Herbert’s camp, and combine your Spy Phone with the Binoculars 3000. Turn left and place the Phone/Binoculars in the third tree. Go to the HQ again, and watch Herbert and Klutzy on the monitor. Herbert discovers the hidden device, and the mission ends.
10) Claim your medal and gift, then click End Mission.

1) Pick up the broken solar panel from the box near Rookie. Talk to G, and Herbert will come on the monitor screens. Rookie tells him about the Golden Puffle in the Night Club. The Director (leader of the PSA) will come over another monitor and G will tell you the ‘Golden Puffle’ was really bait for Herbert.
2) Go to the beach and talk to Jet Pack Guy. Go into the Lighthouse and click on the Cream Soda barrel. Go back outside and talk to Jet Pack Guy. Give him the barrel.
-Pour the 8 beaker into the 5 beaker.
-Pour the 5 beaker into the 3 beaker.
-Pour the 3 beaker into the 8 beaker.
-Pour the 5 beaker into the 3 beaker.
-Pour the 8 beaker into the 5 beaker.
-Pour the 5 beaker into the 3 beaker.
-Pour the 3 beaker into the 8 beaker
-Pour the 5 beaker into the 3 beaker.
-Pour the 3 beaker into the 8 beaker.
-Pour the 5 beaker into the 3 beaker.
-Pour the 8 beaker into the 5 beaker.
-Pour the 5 beaker into the 3 beaker.
-Pour the 3 beaker into the 8 beaker
3) Go to the Dock and talk to the green penguin. Ask him can you use the rope
4) Go to the Gift Shop and talk to the green penguin behind the counter. Take the table against the wall, the box, and the pile of clothes and put them into your inventory. Go outside and set up the table.
5) Talk to Rookie inside the Gift Shop. Take the solar panel from your inventory and put it on the wires at the end of the magnet. Connect the Solar Panel to the wires.
6) Next, go to the Night Club and turn so you can see the cage. Put the rope you got on the machine next to the cage (with the lever). Click on the lever and the machine will malfunction. Use your wrench from your Spy Phone to open it. Click inside after it opens, and fix the gears.
7) Go to the HQ and Jet Pack Guy will call you telling you Herbert was spotted at the Dock. Head on over to the Dock, and you’ll see Klutzy holding a ‘fake’ Herbert. He runs away when he sees you.
8) Rookie will call you next, and tell you Herbert’s at the Night Club. Go to the Night Club, and you’ll see Herbert grabbing the Golden Puffle. While he’s laughing, cut the string with the scissors from your Spy Phone and the cage will fall on him. He’ll lift the cage up, but the magnet comes through the wall to the Golden Puffle. Herbert is trying to get the puffle. Grab Jet Pack Guy’s jet pack off his back, and put it onto the cage. The cage moves over and traps Herbert. G will come, and Rookie gives Herbert his Spy Phone. Herbert escapes.
9) Claim your medal and gift, and click End Mission.